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Vending Machine
Video Game
At the beginning of 2019, I was asked to produce some assets for a game that was under development. I created music loops for 10 levels, all UI sounds and also all ingame audio.
I spent a lot of time researching what made good UI and haptic sound for this project and had a lot of fun creating the music.
I'm glad I had this opportunity to learn different techniques for creating pleasing sounds that react to player input and put my music production skills to work.
sound design
soundscape inspired by half-life 2
soundscape inspired by half-life 2
Testing my skills in sound design and furthermore, purposely sound design, I decided I wanted to create an atmospheric replication of the soundscape in one of my favourite games, Half-Life 2. This piece of audio could easily be lengthened and converted into a piece of audio suitable for implementation into a video game, as was the intention.
sound design
Bee Game
A very good friend of mine has been putting a lot of work into creating a beautiful game, which I had the pleasure of creating music and audio assets for. This project was the first that I was able to make use of Fmod and in doing so, discovered the creative potential of music in video games.
I am absolutely ecstatic about working on this project as I truly believe in it's potential and can't wait to show off my talent friend's work, as well as my own.
sound design
The Artist
Short Film
I was lucky enough to be approached by a film team that needed music, sound design and dialogue editing for their short film. It was a short time frame to work in, but the director and I were on the same page for what their project needed, so I was really able to put my own creative twist on the work I did, and that made working on it even more enjoyable. Super happy with the outcome of this project, and so were the film team, as they've now asked me to jump on board with another project of theirs.
sound design
audio cleaning
Short animatic
This project was a great opportunity for me to improve my sound design and post-production editing skills. I was given a short animatic with the task of filling up the environment with sounds that would bring it to life. I used a number of foley sounds that I captured from around my house to create the soundscape, and wrote a small piece of music with a nylon string acoustic guitar to sit in the background.
sound design
Short Film
Director Matthew Kaukiainen strikes gold again with his short, Positive. This project was a pleasure to be involved with as a sound designer as there were plenty of opportunities for me to implement sounds that made actions on screen come to life. Dialogue cleanup proved challenging in this project as a lot of scenes were shot outside, however, I'm glad I was able to get things to a point that allowed the story and characters, that Matthew crafted so lovingly, shine through.